Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Blue child"

Tom and I re-opening the dialog after a months time

Hi C,

I was thinking about you yesterday, so nice synchronicity getting your letter. I hear good things as I read your letter, mostly listening and following feeling to guide you.  Being in the moment and saying "Yes" to life's invitations is like riding the bullet train to awakening, while others are hitch hiking on abandon roads of religion, blame, consumerism and the like.
I have been studying the nine Hopi prophecies, of which eight have been fulfilled. The ninth is where we are now, and things are in motion with comet "Elenin" approaching Earth that could be the final act.
Watch the video on "" This video depicts some very possible outcomes humanity is facing between now and October 28. All of the elements of this video I was aware of, but the film maker was savvy enough to put the pieces together into a complete picture.

Being in Arizona you are very close to where I came to Earth many years ago, Santa Fe, New Mexico. That area is a powerful energy center that draws people there, such as myself when I was born into humanity. I had past lives in the southwest and was known as a "Blue child" in one such life. The blue child was  recognized by the tribe shaman as his successor when born into the tribe, and had a blue circle painted on his back to distinguish them.  The blue child had special freedoms since he or she needed to keep as much source connection as possible as they grew into adulthood. At about age 12 the child received close training by the shaman, learning plants, crystals, ceremonies, and altered consciousness methods.
In this lifetime I was born in Santa Fe to maintain my connection with this heritage. Give my love to Emerson and his wife and thank them for magnifying the light.

The habagat weather has been strong this season, so delaying your visit is in your best interests until things shift. Much has been going on here and I find myself drifting between strong emotions not common to my life. Even Karen, who is usually very steady has been affected by the earth and solar energies.  As such I find myself sitting inside a rose quartz mandala that is programed for "Peace & Harmony".  I also have done shamanic journeys to pick up power animals to strengthen my center. Together with the crystals I feel much better. My Angels also say to "Trust" and not worry about the global events, and when these evens do reach my door, to look at them through my "Heart Eyes".

I watched your Youtube trailer "The Quest".  Well done... you have a gift for that art. The scene showing you in tears, saying: "I just want to go home" made me cry as well, for these are the words I have heard come from Karen, myself and others.  We know we don't belong here... at some level, and yet we must learn to love "this" for what it is. All of us, no matter how numb or asleep, must embrace our state of separation, if we are to move beyond it. The pain is in the resistance, and that which we resist... persists!!
I noticed the various sources that you used for guidance in the film, Buddhism, Christianity, Native peoples etc. May I suggest one more possibility for the quest?
Spirituality may be the greatest deception the ego (maya) has devised to keep the earnest seeker, seeking! If you release even that hiding place, What then?

Tom (Kon)

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