Friday, November 4, 2011


Boundaries can equal love. Love for ourself and others.
We sometimes feel that when we create a space or draw a line with others, that it may aggravate or hurt them and make them not feel love. Boundaries is love.
It sets up a space where when we feel good and happy in ourselves, nothing can penetrate our space or upset us. We can listen to people and hear what they are saying, but it does not mean we need to take on the pain of others, even if we are seemingly the cause.

All upsets always leads back to the center, back to us.

My head is throbbing and my heart is hurting right now. I am a sensitive being.
I absorb the pain, suffering and anger of others unconsciously because I am attached to what
they are saying or feeling, it triggers something in me. It hurts me because it makes me feel, "how dare they treat me that way." But if I am at the center of myself, it can only affect me if I resonate with what they are saying to me. If what they are telling me or yelling does not resonate, I have the choice to pick it up or leave it. Sometimes what people are going through, has nothing to do with us even if the situation may seem that way.

Why are we so afraid to be still and be with ourselves. Why is it a big mystery about who we are? Why don't we know ourselves? Do we love ourselves? Do we hold ourselves and tell ourselves that we are beautiful, perfect and doing a good job or do we wait for someone to tell us and what if they never do? It can leave us feeling unloved and unappreciated. But what if we took it upon ourselves to claim responsibility for how we felt and what our reality was. What if we can walk around always feeling full and always feeling like a prince or princess. Because in reality, we are God's and Goddess's.

I want to listen to others. I also want boundaries of what I will and will not accept in my reality.
So much of my energy has been tied up in the past, in the pain and the resentment and it has not left me much room to give back to myself. Why not let the blessings in, why not receive what I know I deserve?
I deserve better. I deserve good things, good people, love, happiness, abundance.

My boundaries need to start resonating from within me, so deeply that getting to a point of affirming my boundaries aloud is only an occasional thing. I should be affirming my boundaries to myself, inwardly and aloud. I am not willing to be a punching back and I am reclaiming my lost energies, tied up in other people to direct now back into my own life, to acheive the good I now accept. Setting our boundaries affirms to others that it is ok for them too to be powerful, clear and content in themselves. It may be tough at first and others will challenge these boundaries but stand firm and calm. When we stand up for what we need it does not conflict with others. We can't teach anybody this and if they don't have boundaries, you will be a good teacher just by your own inner example.

I truly love you unconditionally and I offer you that by setting my boundaries here and now.

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