Monday, November 7, 2011

My personal experience and reply to Signs we are ascending

After reading over the awakening signs, I would like to add some similar and personal experiences.

I feel very high. A numbness or buzzing sensation in my entire spine that creates a heightened sense of awareness in mind. A greater expansion in my entire being, my mind feels high and expansive. My eyes feel heavy and there is a burning sensation at the top of my spine at the medulla oblongata.

I go to bed at reasonable hours and wake up feeling totally exhausted, almost like I have been working things out in my dreams all night. Some nights I meditate before bed, only sleep a few hours and awaken feeling energized and clear all day long. I have been waking up in the middle of the night without any cause. Sometimes I feel the need to sleep all day and I'm still tired after I do. From dicussions with others, the conclusion is listen to the body, it knows what it needs.

 I find myself struggling with the same problems that have been plaguing me for years. Sometimes I feel like crying but I get impatient with myself and continue to push through the day. When I listen to my emotions and I allow myself to cry, it takes me to a place of relief, clarity, lightness and calmness.

Many past memories, issues and pains are coming to the surface. Stuff from childhood, elementary school, little things that hurt me are presenting themselves and I am seeing why I am who I am based on the fears and beliefs I created out of these isolated events. I see how I have been holding myself back for years because of the beliefs of others and the fear of standing out. I see how my mind automatically wants to judge everyone and everything around me and sometimes I am conscious enough to seperate myself from those thoughts. When I am in my heart I see everyone around me as beautiful children and sometimes I want to cry when I see how innocent they are. It makes me feel how much God love us unconditionally, he so deeply loves us.

I am in love and it is so deep, so overwhelmingly flowing from me even though my partner is half way across the world. I see how God is helping me to let go of every last little bit I have been clinging to. Anyone or anything I have been clinging to, he is forcing me to greater surrender and dependence on him alone.

My love is expanding, my sexuality is raising up and that love is emanating in and all around me. My love for God is becoming like that of a lover, but also as a father and mother who are always by my side.

The consciousness is here. Enlightenment is here. It is now. Look at humanity over100 years. Watch a child now sitting at her computer surfing the net and ask her a question and tell me we are not an elightened humanity. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of darkness and unconsciousness which is prevalent on the planet. The point is there is a conscious shift we need to make from dark to light. Prayer is a good way to ask, to intend to be part of the shift and to let mother earth know you will move forward with her instead of against her. But this involves taking responsibility for our actions and acting for life, instead of against it. Once we start to wake up, we want to make better choices, it happens naturally. I can hardly throw out a plastic bag anymore. Something inside me is changing at an alarming rate. I feel that I am being overhauled, worked on, worked over and remodeled into something entirely new. It's incredibly painful and uncomfortable and there have been many days where I literally hid under the covers and not wanted to get out. The issues that are coming up are so deep and so scary, the thought of going into my heart and feeling them is incredibly daunting. Sometimes I feel that once I open up I may never be able to get out of the thick shit I have been storing up for who knows how long, or maybe not knowing how to deal with it.

Wanting to be in ceremony and around other spiritual people is prevelant and the idea of community, whatever that means, has been coming to mind. A lot of people are telling me that this new shift has to do with shifting away from doing things on our own. The new way is to join in harmony with others, to work together, to join as one heart, one mind.

Spontaneous bouts of joy and freedom is a large part of the awakening process. The peace and comfort of knowing that I am completely free from all pain, dillusion, confusion and sorrow. I am free in myself. My medicine is in my heart and my temple is wherever I go. Sitting for meditation in the morning is easy and even just a few moments focusing on my breath is bringing me to a place where I have felt that I am dancing in the stars.

I would love to hear about your experiences. Please share them as it helps us to relate to one another. We are all so busy and I am intending to take the time to experience what is happening here, together. Many people have shared with me similar experiences to what I have described and I always find it deeply inspiring to hear that I am not alone.

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