Sunday, November 20, 2011

crystal clarity

The morning after the call, I started to have some intense emotional reactions. It started first with headaches, then the next morning, spontaneous healing sounds, as well as convulsions of my body. I could feel very deep emotional things trying to leave my body. Tonight I experienced the deepest Inner Dance experience and maybe one of the most profound experiences and healings of my life, alone in a room, laying on my back.
I have been contacted by beings of light, many of them, they seem to be blue and they are star people. 
They are our family, the family of light and they shared many messages with me spontaneously, realization after realization sped through my mind, it felt like hundreds in just minutes, intuitively and in flashes of light. 
Being in our power, is being in our hearts, is being in the heart of God. 
I received deep and spontaneous healings of pain that I have been carrying around my whole life and maybe longer. I would like to share with you some of the things they shared with me. 

They told me:
My name is White eagle Woman.
We are from the stars, we are supported and surrounded by our star family.
We don’t have to worry about others or the perceived suffering they are going through. Their souls are taken care of and they are happy.
We never have to worry about being taken care of when we are taking care of others. 
We never have to worry about money, ever again.
If we tune into our hearts and stay in that center, all the money and everything else we need will be taken care of. 
Spirit takes care of those who take care of his children and creation.
We never have to worry about our actions hurting other people when we are in our heart center, what is best for us, is always best for everyone when we are in attunment. Especially when we are shinning, it unconsciously uplifts and elevates them as well.
When we shine light into our bodies everyone on the planet is uplifting just from us being on that higher frequency.
All of our pain can be dissolved instantly by shedding on it light and love
All the power we seek is waiting for us right inside our own hearts. We cannot access the true power through our minds.
Blue beings of light guiding us.
Trust our emotions and where they lead us. Allow our dramas to play out and send them to light, be done with them.
When we are willing to surrender everything, everything will be returned back to us in a more beautiful way than we can ever imagine
When you make other`s goals and dreams become just as or more important than your own, you will be blessed beyond imagination and so will they.
There is always a solution there for every perceived problem, just tuning in and getting the personal attachment out of the way removes the problems instantly
We should surrender all to the higher power, let spirit take us over, we have nothing to fear
We are never alone, we have more support around us than we can even imagine
The higher power will sustain us in every endeavour
Trust what is happening, the mind will try and convince you otherwise
Go with the first initial feeling and hang on to it
Do not worry about others or for them, they are being sustained in every way, just as you are
The planet has much suffering but it is just the play of God, let it happen, do not be deceived by what you are perceiving to seem, there is a divine plan.

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