Thursday, January 19, 2012

What is success?

People pay to be part of your energy.
People want to do business with someone who is grounded in their own unique energy and power.People pay to be around YOU, because you are being powerful being YOU.
Most people are afraid to truly be themselves because they feel they need to be someone else to be successful.When you are truly being YOU and centered in your own unique individuality and power, you cannot help but attract success.
It is so rare in this life that people are 1000% being themselves and those that are, are magnetically attractive. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Eckart Tolle, Swami Kriyananda - all these people are completely unique in their expression, no matter how strange they may seem, people pay to be around these people. Why? Because they assist others in finding what they need right inside themselves. All the money, happiness, power, connection, love, joy, abundance, is all right within us from living in that state of being.You don't have to think or plan out a business strategy (well you do but that comes later) The first step is just to act from a place where you are being you. You act from happiness, joy, love and take steps spontaneously from that place of being. Business training and all of that is super important to have the tools in your belt, but it stems from how you are being when you are exercising those tools. Operating from a place of happiness and fullfilment will attract exactly that, more happiness and greater fulfillment.
I was telling my sister the other day that I was given some dietary advice from a monk who has meditated for thirty years. "Why would I listen to a monk for dietary advice", she asked me. Well for starters, he is the personal meditation teacher for Tiger Woods, secondly, when you have meditated for thirty years you don't need to read books anymore to find the answers. The answers come to you through your own inner voice, in the stillness that you have allowed to come into your mind and body. Intuition becomes your greatest tool for all knowledge, success, abundance, joy and love. I personally will listen to a monk when he tells me not to eat onions and garlic because it creates restlesness in the body. I can feel intuitively that it makes sense. Truth is perceived, not created.

I am on my way to learn a lot of new things this year and one of the things I have come to realize is I don't have to fear that I didn't go to school for business to be succesful at business. There are mysterious ways of attuning ones mind to any attritubutes one wishes to take on. Affirmation and visualization are two powerful techniques. Paramahansa Yogananda suggests attuning your mind, thoughts, words and prayers to any quality you want to bring into your life; courage, love, joy. As well as attuning one's energy to successful people who have acheived what you would also like accomplish. Business tycoon and coach, Jim Rohn says to write down what you want. You need to have an idea of where you want to go. The more Clarity, the better. ;)

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