Friday, April 20, 2012

22 beads

I was feeling drawn to have lapis lazulite, a beautiful deep blue stone. I looked up the meaning for it and it assists with opening the third eye and developing psychic abilities.

The day before I was preparing to leave Vancouver to come to Oregon, I visited a crystal shop and found two or three little beads made of lapis. The shop owner's daughter, a young woman, asked me if I would like her to make the two beads into earrings and that she could do it on the spot. I barely had $10 to my name but I had a friend with me who had just ordered some art prints from me that very morning, and she agreed to forward me the money. So I got these beautiful little lapis earrings and when I got home that evening, I couldn't wait to put them on to see how they felt.

When I tried the on, immediately I felt two active points in my jaw stimulated by where the beads hung and felt and energetic field created around my head. It was very tangible and never before had I experienced this kind of tangible resonance immediately from a crystal or stone. I loved those earrings.

Later that evening, I went to visit my grandma to say goodbye before leaving to Oregon. We had a deep and intimate connection through our willingness and openess to discuss our beliefs in a safe and supportive way. It was very beautiful.

As I sat at the table, I felt an inspiration to give the gift of the earrings to my grandmother. She left the table for a few minutes, as she was away, I struggled with the idea in my mind. I had just gotten these earrings less than 24 hours earlier and already I was giving them away. Was this just me repeating an old pattern, to give all my beautiful things away and then be left with nothing? Was this just me not being able to receive a gift for myself?

As I got still, I realized the earrings may have been made for my grandma and I was just delivering them. Also, it made me feel really good to think how happy my grandma would be to receive an unexpected gift from me, her grand daughter. I gave her the earrings and she put them on right away. They matched her blue eyes and she lit up when she put them on. Who knows what kind of perceptible shift these simple little stones would create in her life. I had to let go of the idea of getting another pair, there was no time before I was leaving, but I knew it would be ok.

When I arrived here at the community, I started to get to know a beautiful woman named Tushti. She is part Chipawa and she spent many of her years living in Hawaii. Her and her husband live here part-time but soon will be going to India to live and serve. They must be in their late 50's, early 60's but they are more magnetic than many people my age and they are just the coolest couple.

I opened up to Tushti about some personal things and immediately, she became like a sweet mothering, nurturing energy in my life. The other night, after a very intense emotional release and heart opening experience. I was feeling very clear, at peace and grounded in my own energy, a very rare and wonderful feeling. Tushti walked up to me after our community meeting had ended and before I knew what was happening, she gently took my wrist in her hand and placed on it a bracelet with many stones. "What is it"? I asked her. What I meant was "what kind of stones are they", knowing very well the answer. "Lapis. I feel this will help you", she said sweetly with her bright blue eyes looking clearly into mine.

I slowly and intentionally counted the beads, twenty two, twenty two lapis beads. Lighter colored and more suited to me than the darker lapis I had seen earlier. I had given two beads away and I had gotten back twenty two. I slept with the bracelet on that night and went to places in my dream time. How can I deny that divine mother is listening, watching, guiding my heart and every heart.

Aum, Peace


  1. What a great story highlighting the gift of giving and receiving.

  2. What a beautiful story! Sometimes it's hard to imagine that things like this actually happen, but they always do! Thanks for re-inspiring my faith with this story, sis. Give the things that you want for yourself, and they will come back to you! 22 beads more! :)
