Thursday, April 7, 2011

I took my own advice

I followed my own advice today. I took the day off.
I awoke at 8:30 and decided that today it would be nice to do my sadhana out in nature.
I let Jo sleep for another half hour and then at 9 asked him if he wanted to go for a walk out to my favorite spot, a secluded beach about 20 min walk from our house.
Armed only with water bottles we made our way along the shore into the warm morning, Philippine sun.
Everything felt so sacred, walking through the small seaside village on our way with the smell of leaves and bamboo burning thick in the air. It felt like we were part of some beautiful ceremony.
As we got further and further from the rustic villages we entered the most amazing part of the walk. A densely wooded area right along the beach with huge trees that create this overhanging canopy. It looks as if  fairies and spirits might live around this particular spot.

As we break through the tress, the ocean sparkles today with it's clear, turquoise blue waters.  It really called me to take a dip.

When we got to my favorite spot, Jo decided he would do some stretching while I opted for a swim and a bit of alone time. I stripped down naked, bringing me such a feeling of freedom and joy especially since I knew no one passed by these parts and I was free. I was in bliss in that perfectly temperatured water, the gentle waves rolling in lifting me higher in the air. The coral beneath me soft with seaweed and almost felt like a carpet under my feet.
After my swim I sat to meditate under the trees facing the open ocean. Ah... what a treat to just be carefree and enjoy the natural beauty God has to offer. I felt an inward voice telling me that my current living situation which is in the densely populated area of town, amidst night clubs and bars was a large part of my spiritual training. I felt in that moment, high, sitting amongst this untouched nature. Realizing, I probably wouldn't be feeling this way had I not been exposed to the opposite extreme of the restless hustle and bustle of tourism, alcohol and party atmosphere.
I felt so high in meditation, like I was soaring higher and higher, I could barely bring myself back to earth after sadhana was finished. Jo and I spent the rest of the day walking, swimming, joking around, making lunch and our very own kimchi and just enjoying life. A rare treat with my workaholic mind, but hey, sometimes God calls and I am more than willing to listen. Especially when it involves a retreat into nature.
The last few days, my mind has been specially restless with the idea of posting my most deep and intimate thoughts on this blog. Today I figured out I have been writing for over ten years now, actually since grade 5 class with Mr Wood. After hearing one of short stories read aloud to the class, he encouraged me as writer and commented I had much talent. But all these years most of my writing has remained hidden amongst journals and many a printed pages scattered to the wind and the recycling depot. 
I have decided, to alleviate the stress, that I'm going to write for myself. As a practice, a discipline, for fun and as a way to discover myself more and more. If it helps someone or inspires them to something within themselves, that's amazing too.
So this article will remain unedited and I will just accept myself as I am.

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