Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sharing my experience with Spiritual Community

I’m going to suggest that the schedule at Laurelwood is insane and unbalanced and that it is in fact that way, for a reason. I am borderline loosing it, finding it, dying, crying, blissing out, passing out. This place is insane.
If I don’t follow the schedule here of 5:45am sadhana wake up, I am way out of the flow and the entire day of running around in physical service is borderline impossible. When I do wake up on time, I am exhausted and want to sleep longer because I’ve stayed up till 12 or 1am just so I can have some down time to get things done.
When I don’t meditate before going to bed, my sleep is restless and I wake up tired and groggy. When I do meditate before bed, it takes up my free time and I am resistant because the night hours are my only free time to read, write, draw and work on financial things, like figuring out ways to stay here.
 It’s crazy because I want to watch a movie but as soon as I get out of the flow here, I am out of the flow and everything seems impossible. I told myself that by May 1st I would get into the flow of things and really be on top of it. Remembering in the shower, why I am actually here: to learn to live harmoniously with people and be a leader within spiritual community. I am a student and this is my training and the more I remember that, the more I can stay focused, on track with a goal. But is life a goal or is life embracing what is before me. Is my close friend here a distraction, or is he life, presenting itself to me?
Am I resisting for fear or am I discovering what it really takes to be strong and be a yogini. To be celibate is no easy task and no one ever explained to me what it entailed and how very hard it actually is. To keep all the energy in and direct it into other things, like creative tasks, meditation, exercise, etc. Fuck. That is what I want to say right now but instead I chant “Om gum ganapatayei namaha”, the mantra to the God Ganesh, remover of obstacles. I was told by Jeffrey Armstrong, my close friend, teacher and Vedic Astrologer that to chant this mantra when things get to heated in life will clear the way. Just give it all up to God at the end of the day is a huge lesson I am needing to learn. To do work, intensely, focused, with care, attention and detail and then at the end of the day just let it go. Simple, easy, no problem, right? Wrong. It is one of the hardest things to do. That and loving someone but not being attached to them? Man, is God really tough on us to do that?  To love people, but not be attached to them.
This blog and my writing is the only thing that keeps me sane. I’m really wondering if all the dreams I want to manifest will come true or if there is a completely different plan for my life. I seem to have always had this idea of the way life was going to be or how it should look. Sometimes it is a hell of a lot harder but usually after I get through that, my life is blessed in ways I could never even have imagined for myself.
I have to let go now, it’s obvious or I am just going to continue to suffer. Dammit, my head is so itchy. Seriously, having a shower and flossing here is like a luxury, can you bellied dat? Ok, enough of that, I have 1 hour until bed time and I have to use it wisely. G’night. xox

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