Monday, July 4, 2011

Mo Money Mo blank

The following is based on a conversation Johan and I had while discussing some issues around money.
Noticing that everyone around us, including ourselves, were reacting emotionally when it came to money,we decided to try and break it down to find the truth. We are still searching. If you have any answers, please share with us.

Money is a made up thing that no one knows about.
It’s an energy that we were never really taught to use.
Some people grab it, some people want to stay away from it ,but mostly people are just confused about it.
But the few who know about it are hoarding it,
Coincidentally they are the one’s who created it. - Johan

When we were kids, we were generally taught that it’s not good to ask for money because it means that you are “greedy” or you are bad for taking money from others. Or it's not a spiritual or religious thing to have money, we can't ask for what we need or want, we are just supposed to wait till it is handed to us. Is this really a spiritual way, where is the balance??- Clarity

As spiritual beings we’re just learning how to use this money energy. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Money is no-thing.

    Being of service '...without personal motive or attachment is treading the sure path of enlightenment.'

    Put yourself in a situation where there is a clear opportunity for you to be of service doing something that you love!!! Make sure that in this service equation (if necessary) there is clearly value to others and if they wish when they partake to receive this value there is a clear reciprocation for the value they receive... in whatever format you want! It can be money, in the Philippine's maybe coconuts, surf boards etc.. :) Be non-attached to this no-thing and be grateful for everything you have and all the while your true wealth '... that which can be manifested at will...' will continue to grow and your resource for '...helping others...' as a result will also continue to grow which is the result of your enjoyment of being of service to others!

    Love you both dearly.

