Saturday, September 17, 2011


Had a really hot sweat lodge tonight. It felt good. It was just what I needed on a Friday night.
Been seeing alot about myself through others, mostly about the limited self beliefs.
I'm seeing beautiful, competent, and talented people walking around dissabled. Not because they are, but because that's how they see themselves. It's a direct reflection for myself and my life.

What we resist persists.

I just had a huge cosmic revelation tonight.
I need to start thinking and acting from a place of what I want in life, not what I don't want.
Just because some negative result happened once in the past, we punish ourselves again and again as if it has to be like that forever because one time we got rejected or hurt. The self punishment is collosal compared to the actual event.

Every moment I am free to create a new result, a better future for myself by my moment to moment thinking. Right now I can change how I think about myself and life around me knowing everything will change. I've heard it so many times, but it finally hit me.

After listening to my friend Cody talk about how in highschool he asked a girl out and was rejected, ever since then, he has allowed that feeling of rejection to flow into other areas of his life. He began to create a story that he wasn't worthy, not only of women but in his career as well. From that one event, which was totally unrelated to him and who he is as a person, he took it to mean something was wrong with him. When the truth is, that person made that decision because of something inside them, not because of who Cody was or wasn't. That is how fucked up the mind is.

Anyway, I'm going to try something diffrent, not just for myself, but for all of us.

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