Wednesday, September 12, 2012

True Wealth

You can be rich and you can be poor and you can be poor and you can be rich.
This is a thought that came to me this evening as I was walking out Lotus Cafe with two of my friends.

If you do not believe in God, if you really disbelieve, I can prove him to you.

This evening I came home to Ananda Temple in Encinitas, California, where I am staying on vacation. I was about to meditate when I came out to grab something. On the table sitting in a neat little package were 6 small angel food cakes. How is this proof God exists you ask. Well... no one knows I am staying here. Except for one person and she had just dropped me off and left immediately. Angel food cake also happens to be my favorite cake and no one knows that except for my grandma. The most curious part is I have been wanting those exact tiny angel food cakes but never had the money nor did ever think of buying them for myself. I had just walked back from 7 eleven this evening from wanting something sweet but decided against it since it might affect my meditation. So I gave it to Guruji and then I come home and find 6 cakes waiting for me! How sweet it is to be loved by God. Ok, so that is kind of strange right?

I cannot begin to describe to you the miracles that have happened for me on this trip. The biggest miracle is that I left for Southern California 8 days ago with $120 in my wallet. And here I am staying 3 blocks from the beach right near master's oceanside hermitage. I stayed in LA for almost a week and had everything I needed. That $120 was gone a long time ago but daily, everything shows up. It's absolutely the grace of God and the love of my divine mother.

Yesterday, a sweet devotee took me out for a movie and popcorn. It was like divine mother herself was taking me out. It was in an old theater in Encinitas which people have said Yogananda may have watched movies at. Today, when my friend picked me up,  I asked her if she had had dinner and she said no but she had no money until tomorrow. I had just come from selling a couple silver coins I saved for a rainy day and told her I would be happy to treat her. We went out with another friend, an older devotee who looked like she had a lot of money. I happily paid the bill for my friend and I and realized, that just because someone has a lot of money, doesn't make them rich. My friend and I, though we had very little both treated one another when we had next to nothing. Divine mother always took care of us for that very reason.

Anyway, I didn't mention either that when I awoke this morning, there was a perfectly
ripe melon waiting for me right outside my daily meditation spot. It was my perfectly delicious breakfast.
I could go on and on about how much divine mother provides for me on this trip but you would probably get sick of hearing it and might not believe it.

Anyways, it's not like I just sit around and she does everything for me. But these last couple months I really gave myself fully to her in service and spent my money very conservatively in supporting a good cause. I didn't have to go without a vacation because I didn't have some large bank account with money I had saved up for months. I just decided I wanted, I needed this vacation and decided to trust her. I listened. She gives me more than I could buy with money. It is so sweet to receive when I don't ask, when I just let her do it.

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