Being sober is like waking up to another world.
It really is another life living when you are just here and not avoiding it with something else.
When your on drugs, if the philosophy of a dualistic nature is correct, if you swing so far, you always have to swing equally back in the opposite direction.
So if you are "high" on drugs for 5 years, I believe it may take 5 or more years to slowly start to recover and come back to "normal", whatever that is.
Today, I felt high in a sense, just on life. Actually I had a kombucha and I actually got kind of woozy from it and that's what got me thinking about all of this.
I thought, man, I'm really happy and grateful for all the other worlds I explored back in the day but I am so happy to be back in this world. Most of my inspiration, art, ideas come from that other realm, so I guess it was good that I got familiarized with it.
There's a sensitivity to life that comes when you're playing in the other realms and one should not loose that either. It's like when your tuned in to the other realms, be it on drugs or meditation you tend to look and receive life in a different way. Such as if you start having a friend come to mind over and over again, you start to feel "oh maybe there is some reason I should get in touch with this person", so you do and it turns out there's a very good reason or they were thinking about you to. If you are not tuned into the spiritual world you may think, "Oh, I should call such and such, but nah, I'll do it some other time, it's not important." Which we all do but the point is, the sensitivity to life and how it works in magical ways. Don't forget!
There is a tendency to start to think and feel like this is all there is. A de-sensitivity to life in plain words, just taking everything for granted. Come home from work, eat, watch tv, do some social activity, go home, go to bed. Get up, rinse, repeat. This is what I hated as a kid, I couldn't understand it for the life of me why anyone would possibly want to do this?
Hence, the Drugs.
But there is a sweetness that comes to normal, everyday life. Like walking to the store on a sunny day to buy your mom a Mother's day card. You just live and things just balance out.
Your worst days become less and less worse.
Unfortunately the other side of the coin is I haven't half developed my actual earth life as much as say someone who has focused 30+ years just on the material plane. I've focused maybe 15 good years and most of those were before I was 15! Spiritual, yes, yes, yes and half on the material.
Now that I'm turning 30 in a couple months, oh boy, I feel that a big shift is about to change things around for me. I am getting to the point where I am settling in. In to myself, in to life, in to this "game" for the long run.
I tried to beat it, escape, curse it, understand it, avoid it, stomp on it and run from it. But you know that saying "if you can't beat em, join em", well: Here I am! Here I am in Vancouver working, renting a place, grocery shopping, paying bills, having a cel phone, all these seemingly normal things that never seemed normal before. For an escapist (be it drugs or whatever) everything is a lot harder to do than it may seem. And also, they feel very proud of themselves when they can do any normal little thing. The thing is, society praises people for the wrong reasons. It's not about what you can accomplish, it's about everyone being true to yourself and "your" own personal best. There is no way to compare! And we should be proud of ourselves for every accomplishment we do, each and every day. And acknowledge others too. Even one good day, really, it means so much.
What makes you the happiest? Are you doing it? ..... And why not?
I'm doing things differently than before though. I went for a walk to the market today and I just enjoyed "being" there. I didn't need to buy anything or be with anyone. I'm not in the city anymore working to make material gains or to get in debt, or to look good. I am just saving, doing my thing, keeping a low pro and keeping my inner spiritual center as my focus and circumference in everything I do.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Real Media Wake Up Call

Lately, I have had a lot of time to myself. In work, in play, in recreation.
Paramhansa Yogananda says, if you can have a little space that is yours where you can close the door, that is all you need. I am enjoying this truth lately. Having my own space, it has been many years since I have had a room to call my own, quite some years actually.
Seclusion is really the price of greatness as many great Masters have pointed out. Intense... but greatness, knowledge, wisdom, clarity, it all seems to be flowing from this alone-ness, this time of just being with myself. I have started to become more clear in my thinking about life, with seeing things, as they are.
The challenge is that to see so much and then, not to judge it. Or not react to it.
I can honestly say that living in a group with like minded people, is powerful, beneficial and much needed. I have been living on my own for several months now and tangibly feel the influence of the city's mentality and consciousness, weight and heaviness much much more since moving out of the group living ashram in LA.
It is powerful to have around like minded, positive people who support you. It actually creates a protection, a vortex. And with any vortex of energy, it stirs the pot. So whatever you got goin on in that crazy head of yours, it's gonna come out. And it ain't always pretty. Haha.
So what leads me to talk about all of this on this Tuesday evening?
Recently, I went to a 3 hr group meditation and I think I was only there for the last half. Bu it was like walking into an anti gravity chamber. The silence was so tangible you could feel it. The peace, permeated every particle of my being. The thoughts were quiet, un-present, the chatter and confusion all gone. Totally.
Have you ever had thoughts through out your day that you were doing the wrong thing, going the wrong way, not doing what you should be doing or not doing enough. Do you ever feel guilt, or shame or like you are not good enough in some way or not there yet? And do you think these thoughts are real?
So what happened after I came out of the meditation? I started to hear all those thoughts. BUT this time, I saw them!! I saw those thoughts running through my mind like a tape recording. All those negative thoughts, they were there but my mind was so restless that I didn't even know it until now. My mind had become so still from that 1.5hr meditation that I saw them. So what did I do about it? I said "fuck it, I'm gonna go get some frozen yogurt and let those thoughts roll all day long if they want to". I'm not gonna believe them, or act on them, I'm just gonna see them for what they are. And they just disappeared.
Actually sometimes, I just say out loud or in my head, "Shut up, I don't believe that". Or you can try "Go to hell, because that's where you came from"! Hahaha.
So here's my theory and correct me if I'm wrong but it's my blog so I'm just gonna go for it:
The city is actually broadcasting these thoughts. Everywhere. In the ether, in the food, in the cell phone towers, off the chem trails spraying over the city, in the mass media, the television, the ads, the job, the pay check, the mortgage, the cell phone bill, the debt, the car, the clothes, the house, the whole whack of it. It's all being projected to us and at the end of the day, How are we supposed to feel???
For those of you who don't meditate yet... I don't know how you do it! The only way, the only absolute way I know how to stop all of this, is to be quiet. The allow the mind to rest. To allow the soul to shine through and re-connect with what we truly are.
So here's my thought: How do we get out of this? Do we move to a farm and start growing our own food? Yes. Do we get together with other people and groups and collaborate on standing up for our rights as souls, as free human beings? Yes. Do we stop buying into and believing this absolute crap they are trying to feed us? Yes. We do and we do it now and we allow ourselves to shine because that is the way to be victorious. To be our true selves.
So all of this has brought me back into me and now it's time to meditate. I look forward to hearing from you soon:)
I Love You
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The longest journey is from your head to your heart dammit
Here’s the thing. I am attempting to do something not too
many people do these days. And no wonder it’s painful at times. I am attempting
to find happiness inside myself. Not from exterior people, places or things.
Sometimes in such an extreme way that’s it painful. But I feel like, “how can I
ever be happy if I can’t just make myself happy”. I don’t smoke pot, I don’t
watch TV, I don’t really go out and party or anything like that, heck, sometime
I don’t even hang out with friends. I just kind of like to do lonely, inward
things like walk, or paint, or read or write. But of course, I love my friends
and as the weather gets nicer I plan to get out more, naturally.
My point is is that sometimes I wonder why it’s such a hard
time I am having. Well, I am not distracting myself. I am not in a constant
state of mental agitation or busyness so I can see, hear, feel tangibly what is
really going on inside of me. That’s why people generally don’t want to be
alone I think, because we have to be with ourselves face what is going on in there. But I want to be at peace with myself, so when I do things, outwardly when I have distractions, or work, or no time to myself, I want to be at peace
inside. I don’t want to do things to outwardly distract me from my feelings, I
don’t want to buy things to make myself feel worthy and I don’t want to be with
someone, to make me happy. I want to have all these already. I want to be full
already. I don’t want to fill myself up with anything.
Then, once I am full, all these things will come and they will just be added bonuses to my already happy life. Money will just be a tool to navigate with, not to complete me or change how I feel. Money will make you happy is a lie. Money doesn’t do anything. You have to first change your inward state to feel good about yourself, about life, about your deservingness and value and then money comes easier. This isn’t something I'm making up, I have experienced this.
Then, once I am full, all these things will come and they will just be added bonuses to my already happy life. Money will just be a tool to navigate with, not to complete me or change how I feel. Money will make you happy is a lie. Money doesn’t do anything. You have to first change your inward state to feel good about yourself, about life, about your deservingness and value and then money comes easier. This isn’t something I'm making up, I have experienced this.
Anyhow. I’m
finally realizing why this journey has been a difficult one. It’s because I’m
doing the hardest thing there is to do in this life, I am on the journey to
remember myself. I want to know who I am and I want to be at peace. Happiness
is my main goal, and now that I know this, I don’t have to be so hard on myself
dammit. I am a warrior on the biggest mission there is to embark on and this is
not a short term goal. But I was sort of taking it that way. Why aren’t I
enlightened yet Dammit! Oh well, live and learn right. But it’s nice to share
with you. Ok, off to “work” now.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Nothing important
I have nothing important to say. I am not as an important person as I used to think. There is something very humbling about life. Everything comes around. Self confidence at some point will have to be humbled, and the humbled one will gain strength from the times he got to know him self.
I have nothing important to say tonight except what is so important about being important. Is a life lived slowly, humbly and happily not truly a successful one. Have you ever lived in the fast lane? I have. You move fast, make money fast, think quickly and sharply. And you move so fast, when your done, there is no one left around. Seriously, I have left countless people behind because I wanted to grow fast, move fast, make money faster, or reach enlightenment.
I was told there is a natural timing to things and they just happen, without us forcing anything. (I watched the Lion King this week because I was sick in bed) We will naturally evolve, we will naturally find God in ourselves. This all will happen without the forcing. So.... I do have some things to say. But none of them are important.
Hakuna Matata - no worries - Lion King
I have nothing important to say tonight except what is so important about being important. Is a life lived slowly, humbly and happily not truly a successful one. Have you ever lived in the fast lane? I have. You move fast, make money fast, think quickly and sharply. And you move so fast, when your done, there is no one left around. Seriously, I have left countless people behind because I wanted to grow fast, move fast, make money faster, or reach enlightenment.
I was told there is a natural timing to things and they just happen, without us forcing anything. (I watched the Lion King this week because I was sick in bed) We will naturally evolve, we will naturally find God in ourselves. This all will happen without the forcing. So.... I do have some things to say. But none of them are important.
Hakuna Matata - no worries - Lion King
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